1. Bumps to the head
As toddlers begin to approach school age, they move into an ‘egocentric’ phase where their curiosity peaks. Bumps to the head are one of the common injuries for children this age.

2. Burns
Burns are one of the commonest injuries to young children. Thankfully, burns are largely preventable and you can minimise the damage by responding quickly.

3. Choking
As a parent, you should encourage your child to eat with you at the table rather than running around. It’s also essential to know what to do if your child does start to choke.

4. CPR
CPR, otherwise known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is a life-saving exercise that you can teach yourself and your children in case of an emergency.

5. Cuts and grazes
Cuts and grazes are very common in children aged 7 to 11. What’s important is to teach your children what to do and how to stop the bleeding.

6. Getting help in an emergency
Accidents can be distressing for both adults and children, but it’s important to remain calm. You can encourage this by teaching your little ones what to do in the event of an emergency.

7. Limb Injuries
Children’s bones are more flexible than adults’, meaning they are better equipped to absorb shock and heal quicker. If your child has suffered an accident, learn what to do with our guide.
Brought to you by Savlon & Mini First Aid
We have teamed up with Mini First Aid, award-winning providers of first aid education to parents for children, to bring the basics of first aid to your home. Explore the bite-sized lessons to learn some first aid tips & feel equipped if an accident happens!